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Meet our Crew:


Holly Stults


Asst. Director:

Tristan Zavaleta

Music Director:

Mark Duray

*Crew Head

Costumes Director:

Judy Lam

Stage Manager: Georgia Kramer

Georgia Kramer is a sophomore and is excited to be the all knowing stage manager of Addams Family. She loves being a part of this community but is going to miss her sister a lot next year. She’s so thankful for caffeinated drinks and car naps. She hopes you enjoy the show!


Assistant Stage Manager: Trent Blume

Trent is a freshman and is excited to make memories with the friends he makes along the way.

Lights Crew:

Noeily Ramos

Noeily Ramos is a Senior in the past they’ve worked on Footloose, Done to death, Oklahoma, Fiddler on the roof, and Radium girls. They are so excited to be in Lights crew for the Adam’s Family and is looking forward to enjoying their last year in crew.

Makhia Smith

Samantha Byrd

Samantha Byrd is a senior and this is her first year ever on crew and she's so excited to be props master, as well as a part of paint, and lights crew!

Jake Weber

Jake Weber is a senior in lights crew and is super excited to be a part of Addams Family! His favorite memory is writing and directing a One Act in the Fall with his best friend Megan Kramer.

Andrew Moriarty

Jonathan Taylor

Sound Crew:

John Doyle

John is a senior who is happy to be the head of sound crew. After being on sound crew (the best crew) for six major school productions, along with acting in, writing and directing many One Acts, John is excited to be a part of this production. He is very glad to have been able to take part in this theater program for all four years of high school.

Simon Lehmkuhler

Simon is excited to be in sound crew again. His favorite memory is playing super smash bros backstage with Zach smith during Radium Girls. Another favorite memory is not listening to his co-head Emily Meckauskas.

Emily Meckauskus

Emily Meckauskas is a junior and is so excited to be the co-head of sound crew! Her favorite memory in theatre is going to get food with Jake Weber during a tech week rehearsal and fighting over where to get food. She would like to thank all of sound crew and her friends and family.

Zach Smith

Junior Zach Smith is so excited to be on sound crew for the musical! His favorite memory is playing Super Smash Bros backstage with Simon Lehmkuhler during Radium Girls.

Matthew Olivares​

This is Matthew, he is a Junior and is astounded to be a part of the sound crew for this years musical. His favorite memory is sabotaging Jake during rehearsals.

Grace Isakson

Costume & Makeup Crew:

Abby Fix

Abby is a junior at BCHS and is excited to continue to be in the costume crew for her fourth show and be co head with Courtney for the first time. In the past, she has been in the cast for Oklahoma, Fiddler on the Roof, and multiple one acts. Her favorite theater memories are pre show circle times and pre rehearsal food runs with friends. Abby would like to thank her friends, family, and God and she hopes you enjoy The Addams Family!

Courtney Kramer

Ellie Burchard

Ellie Burchard is a junior and is so excited to be a part of her first show doing makeup and costumes. Her favorite memory was when her and Abby Fix labeled shoes together.

Julia Dunn

Julia Dunn is a junior and is so excited to be part of the costumes crew this year. She has had a lot of fun at BCHS theatre, and enjoyed when she did Senior One Acts last fall and was able to get close with many people in the theatre department. She had fun getting ice cream before and after every show and being able to spend time with all the other actors after school. Her favorite memory is when she and Georgia Kramer were handmaidens in “The force is strong with this one act,” a parody of the Star Wars Franchise, and when they play ended, she and Georgia threw the fake babies over their heads as the lights shut off.

Charlotte Becker

Jules Frank

Ava McCurdy

Glad to be a part of the show!

Maddie Harrell

Maddie Harrell is in grade 10 and is so excited to be a part of the show this year. Even though she is a part of the costume and makeup crew it’s still so fun!

Kate Lowry

Kate is a freshman and is so excited to be on costume crew for the Addams Family.

Paint Crew:

Makhia Smith

Noeily Ramos

Samantha Byrd

Lucy Acklin

Lucy is a junior and she is thrilled to be the head of paint crew for this year's production of The Addams Family. She has previously worked on the sets of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Fiddler on the Roof, and Radium Girls, as well as playing the part of Marie Curie in radium girls. Her favorite memory of BCHS theater is circle time. She would like to thank her cats and her family.

Addie Sandifur

Addie Sandifur is a Junior and excited to help out with the painting the set.

Set/Build Crew:

Theresa Surinak

Mark Gejdos

Mark Gejdos is a senior and is so excited to be the set crew for Addams family. He hopes the set doesn’t fall apart, although that would be fitting for the show…

Zoe Williamson

Zoe Williamson is a senior who has done set crew since Oklahoma. She is happy to see the whole show come together using what she made.

Jonathan Taylor

Maria Gejdos

Maria Gejdos is a sophomore and is super excited to be on set crew. This is her first time on set crew. Her favorite memory is sanding the trees, even though it didn’t make much of a difference.

Advertising Crew

Megan Kramer

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